Hi, I'm Amber
A life-loving, eclectic, mind-empowerment and success mentor with a healthy rebellious attitude and a longing to see more people being true to their needs and desires - living happier unbound lives, their way!
I RESPECT YOUR FREEDOM to choose a lifestyle and life path that lights you up.
It's easy to jump off the familiar trodden path in life and fall into the trap of living according to someone else's ideas, beliefs and blueprints.
It's frustrating when you finally take the leap to go all in on the changes you want to create for yourself and your family, be it education, lifestyle, income streams, careers, homes, or health care...and yet again you find yourself overwhelmed, anxious, frustrated and feeling shackled by limitations and expectations once more.
What was designed to bring you more inner peace is creating more discontentment.
And there are people around you who are willing to just accept that "this is the way life is" or to return to the norms of the world!

I believe you are WORTHY of falling back in love with living - to enjoy being alive and my DEEPEST desire for you is to finally come back to your inner potent POWER!
I believe you were born with all your unique quirks, desires and gifts for a reason
I want to empower and support you to strip it all back and reconnect with who you were always designed to be so that you can confidently, successfully, and happily forge a uniquely aligned path through life!
My Story
Becoming a mum changed everything...
I've encountered a lot of changes and shifts in my life and yet I'd always managed to land on my feet.
That was until I fell pregnant and then gave birth to my firstborn son in 2014.
M's arrival into the world rocked my entire life of its axis. Like so many other new mothers, I crumpled under the weight of the new responsibilities & unrealistic expectations that come with being a mum in today's world.
My social anxiety was taken to new heights leaving me not only feeling isolated but unhappy, unfulfilled, and entering a spiral of self-neglect.
I loved my son, I loved being a mum but I hated who I had become and how my life, hope, and sense of freedom had shrank around me.
I felt trapped physically and emotionally.
I've come a long way since then, however.
After discovering EFT and taking a deep dive into the world of energetics, mind empowerment, and personal development everything changed.
I finally felt free again!
I was able to find joy in parenting and also to realize that the only limitations I was truly facing were the ones I was placing upon myself.
I could design my life to be any way I wanted it to be.
I could build a business I loved.
Manifest any home I desired. Home educate my children.
Provide for my family by doing something I loved.
More importantly, I could be happy, healthy, and fulfilled along the way to achieving it all.
We all can if only we are brave enough and bold enough to do things our unique way!
A little later in my story, 2019 to be precise, I separated from my husband closed my 2 beloved businesses, moved back to my home country, and started all over again.
I am grateful for all the empowerment tools I had at my disposal and have no doubt that's why I was able to keep going and create a new business from the ground up to support myself and the children on a single income.
Yes, scared, and uncertain of what the future would look like. Yet, I found confidence in knowing that I could navigate any terrain and adapt along the way.
I've learned ALOT more since then too.
Now I support other women and mums in the way my mentors supported me!
I've spoken to many mamas who have felt trapped and broken under the weight of parenting & adulting responsibilities.. feeling like they've lost themselves.
Those who have desires and dreams that they dare not pursue at this time in their lives.
Women who are unhappy and long for change, those who wish for more freedom, who want to build businesses that afford them the joy, freedom, fulfilment, and success they long for but lack the confidence or self-belief to make it happen.
Women who already have businesses yet aren't seeing the results they desire and are burning out and feeling overwhelmed trying to do it all.
If that's you, then I'm hear to tell you that it needn't be this way.
Your Aligned Business Mentor:
Amber Cherelle